One person was just one number away from winning it all! Ouch! No winners this week so the prize fund will of course roll over. Estimated jackpot of £3,750 next week!

One person was just one number away from winning it all! Ouch! No winners this week so the prize fund will of course roll over. Estimated jackpot of £3,750 next week!
Saturday’s confirmed prize money total! We’re over the 3K hurdle…how big will the pot get this time? 💷💷💷
Remember, it’s just £1 a ticket to choose 4 numbers and if they get drawn: you get the prize money! It’s really that simple. Tickets are available from any member of the club or the New Bridgend Inn.
Tonight’s lottery numbers: no winners.
Another rollover awaits us next week!
The prize total has started to creep up again, nearly at the £3,000 mark. Remember, for just £1 a week you can win big!
No winners again this week after the draw, so it’s going to be another rollover.
This weekend’s prize pot has been confirmed and is sat at over £2,100….you’ve got to be in it to win it!
No winners this past weekend! Another rollover on the horizon.
No winners this weekend. The prize pot rolls over once again.
This past Saturday, during our memorial afternoon for Barney, we held our first lottery following last week’s monumental win. There weren’t any winners so it rolls over one more time. Strap in once again!
We finally have a winner! After weeks of rollovers and disappointment, the grand prize total of nearly 9K (£8,939 to be exact) has been snapped up by ONE lucky winner!